Monthly Archives: February 2012

So This Is 2010


It’s been awhile since I’ve been excitably involved in the community… I don’t mean that I haven’t enjoyed a glass or 2 of Vino with someone who I had a great conversation about what’s in our glasses… I am gearing up for the first IVSA of 2012.

IVSA = International Vinters and Spirit Association.

This is a 3 hour event where reps pour for Hospitality Industry folk so they can try new products being launched or ones that are popular. These are especially nice when the Industry is so small where you live… it’s sort of like going to a reunion, it’s always the same people.  I like to call them “My People” simply because whenever I go I feel at home again, I know exactly what and who to expect…. this is very exciting.

So for now… I’ll end my short post and fill you in more later

